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Carpal Tunnel Nerve Gliding Exercises

There are many different exercises that can be done for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and we’ve discussed some of these in the past. To understand “why” gliding exercises are helpful, let’s review the anatomy of the carpal tunnel. There are [...]

Exercises to Reduce Neck Pain Risk

As desktop computers, laptops, tablets, e-readers, and smartphones take greater importance in our lives, more and more people are consulting with healthcare providers for musculoskeletal conditions like neck pain. Why is this the case, and are there things that can [...]

Dynamic Stretching for Hip Pain

As we grow older, stretching becomes a more important part of our routine, especially when hip pain is present. Whether you are about to engage in a sport, a job, weight lifting, or errands, it’s best to prepare your muscles for activity.

The Neck and its Relationship to Headaches

Experts estimate that headaches affect half the population, with up to 25% of headaches originating from the cervical spine or neck, which is referred to as a cervicogenic headache (CGH). There are many studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of chiropractic [...]

At-Home Exercise for Whiplash Associated Disorders

There is plenty of research supporting chiropractic care as an excellent approach for managing whiplash associated disorders (WAD). While the in-office treatment aspect of care—spinal manipulation, mobilization, soft tissue therapy, massage, modalities, etc.—is important for restoring motion and reducing pain [...]

How the Brain Changes After Whiplash

Whiplash associated disorders (WAD) is a term applied to a constellation of symptoms that can arise following a motor vehicle collision (MVC), slip and fall, or sports injury. It’s estimated that up to 25% of WAD patients fail to fully recover [...]

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