


Physical Activity and Low Back Pain

It’s common for individuals with low back pain to avoid any movement they feel may worsen their condition. Over time, this behavior can lead to deconditioned back muscles, setting the stage for either prolonged back pain or later recurrence. That’s one reason [...]

Can Chiropractic Help My Concussion

Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) is the appropriate terminology to use when addressing the myriad of symptoms that can occur as a result of a motor vehicle collision (MVC). In a recent publication in The Physician and Sportsmedicine (Volume 43, Issue [...]

Walking For A Healthy Back

Scientists who have studied the architecture of the spine have concluded that it is meant for walking. This may come as a surprise since we humans do very little walking these days. Over the millennia,  our lives have moved from [...]

Low Back “Do”s and “Don’t”s

We all know it’s important to maintain good back health by doing things that help strengthen it and avoid the things that cause harm. This is just common sense. But just what are the “things” we need to avoid and [...]

Head Tilt and Headaches – Are They Connected?

We’ve all seen people working on laptops in airports, airplanes, coffee shops, on the train, walking down the street…you name it! So how does this affect one’s neck, and does it contribute to headaches? A 2016 study compared females with [...]

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